Sunday, October 2, 2016

A Month In!

Hello! I'm alive! I have survived my first 6 weeks of school. It has gone really well so far. I am adjusting well. I have had a few crazy weeks and I don't think that it will get better until mid-October when I have fall break. I went on a retreat with one of the clubs I am in and it was a blast! I made some new friends and had a lot of fun. I have found a new parish, it is a really beautiful church building and I have been welcomed completely. I joined the choir and today I went to my first ordination. It was a very long service but very beautiful and moving. Fall has well and truly come and it is very beautiful in Ohio in the fall. The trees outside my window are turning and it makes me smile every time I look out the window. Over Labor day  Sus came to spend the weekend with me and even though we did basically nothing it was so nice to see her. Overall I am doing really well.
Glory to God For All Things,
Cecilia <3

The twining is insane in this picture.

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