Thursday, August 25, 2016

College wk 1

My college experience has begun and I have had mixed emotions about it. I arrived on Sunday, and it was one of the most overwhelming days of my life. My parents had to leave earlier then most parents because of the long distance from home. I had a new space, and no new people yet, I was all alone for the first time. When I am home alone I always have the dogs for company and our house is full of everyone's stuff, you don't feel alone. This was just me and my stuff in a weird unfamiliar place, it was uncomfortable. Then there were goodbyes which is always the worst part of leaving. Then immediately following the goodbye I suddenly had a class, people with common interests and feeling similar things. I made friends, I am continuing to make friends! It feels like home. I am so excited for the classes that I am taking and I like all of my professors that I have met so far. I am happy in this place!
Glory to God For All Things,
Cecilia <3

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