This evening I was searching for some hymns that we have sung at church at I felt inspired to write. Because we are a small parish we do not have a choir. We have chanters and occasionally some people gather to sing a hymn for a feast and it is truly a blessing! But as I was skimming youtube it occurred to me how beautiful these hymns were. Of course they are beautiful but I have never really noticed. I am a convert to Orthodoxy, as I have mentioned in previous posts, and in our old episcopal parish we sang lots and lots of western style hymns so when we first started attending our Greek parish the music was truly one of the hardest transitions for me. It sounded foreign and odd to my ear. I never thought that I could enjoy it in the same way. But tonight listening to
O Virgin Pure I was filled with a peace and joy. I don't think I enjoy the hymns of the Church the same way I enjoy western hymns but that is okay. They are beautiful prayers in their own way and I love them. If you would like to hear the hymn I mentioned above here is the link
Blessed Feast of The Dormition!
Cecilia <3
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