Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Quick Update and Random Thoughts

We had a wonderful Christmas at our house! It was filled with slippers, games of cards, and mostly tea. My Oma (grandma) came to visit for 12 days which was very nice. We don't see her often so we were all very excited for her visit and sad when she left. My mom's only brother came to visit too and we had a lot of fun, you would be surprised how many times he could possibly ask "is it my turn?" :P

2015 has been pretty good so far and I am excited to see what this year holds for me. On friday we had our last physics class and I am sad. I am truly so blessed to have had such a great experience taking classes at the public school and to have had such a wonderful science teacher. He is really one of the best people I have ever met. He is truly an inspiration, he has gone through many struggles but he is still so positive. He makes an effort to connect with his students and is always there for them.
I have also really enjoyed this class because of the connections I have made with the other students. It has really been so much easier then my chemistry class to make friends.

We had our first quiz bowl of 2015 this past week and it was super fun! We did really well (placed 2nd) and met all of our teams goals. We won all 6 rounds, broke 110 points, and worked well as a team. I am really nervous about next year because all of my teammates are seniors and won't be able to play next year. I keep telling myself change is good.

I also have been really enjoying ballroom dance. This Christmas was my 3rd year doing ballroom every other week. But I think that this year I have really appreciated having my brother start coming with me. It has been great for us because we enjoy it and it gives us a way to hangout together and have a ton of fun at the same time. As it gets closer and closer to when I will move out I realize how special spending time with my little sibs is. It is one of my goals this year; to spend more time with them.
That went on rather longer than I wanted but I like writing down my thoughts like this. Thats all for now!!! <3
Glory to God for All Things

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