So today has been the first day I have had time to sit down and blog in a while! We had Pascha last week and it was beautiful as always. I love the joyous singing of the easter hymn "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death be death and to those in the tomb granting life. " We got to spend a lot of time in church during holy week which I am very grateful for.
During holy week we also had our HOSA State leadership conference. It was a great experience as always with interesting lectures, tours, and keynote speakers. Our chapter did very well and many of us qualified for nationals which are in California this year. I took first place in my human growth and development knowledge test. I have placed second the previous 2 years so it was nice to move up the list.
I have been doing lots of prep for the ACT on Saturday and I am hoping to do well on that. Other than that I haven't really been doing anything other than keeping up with my regular school work.
Glory to God For All Things
Cecilia <3