So today I am very frustrated and tired of my siblings! I am sure you know the feeling! So I thought I might write and remind myself that they can be awesome too!
Badness has been really bored lately. His solution to boredom is seeing what everybody else in the house is doing and then repeating the whole process in 15 minutes. This means that every 15 minutes or so I get a hug, a kiss, a story, or a joke. It can get annoying but it is so special. It seems like every week get busier and I see him less and less so the 2 minutes that he and I share are good!
Rabbit is positive all the time. She is always spotting positive things in our life and it makes me happy.

Bean is the sweetest of us all without a doubt! He will do anything if it will make you feel better. He also gives the best hugs ever!
Shark is hilarious! He can make anything funny. He has also recently become one of my best friends, something I never expected!
Sus can make me laugh anytime. She can explain how I am feeling to other people when they just don't get it. She bakes me cookies if I am having a bad day and puts up with my random hyper fits at 11:30 at night.
I feel much better now.
Thanks for listening! I am really enjoying blogging more frequently!
Glory to God For All Things
P.S. I can't get the preview to load so if my formatting is terrible I apologize! C